ok, ashley, this one's for you! i'm going to try and make it non-emotional and just a plee for help! you're so sweet to ask about my bottles, yes, that was a picture of one on the last blog and you have always been a huge supporter of them....thank you, thank you! my plea of help is that you and everyone else continue asking me about them and have i done aything else with them. i have so been sitting on the pot about ideas i have in my head and i really want to stop procrastinating and make at least one new idea happen soon. so here's the plan...i will have moved forward in some direction with emmageorge. i really like this plan b/c it's vague. expectations aren't set too high (ok, so maybe not at all), one thing at a time;) but i am sooo grateful that any of you still inquire about my little venture. next, maybe i should have some kind of deadline in mind. hmm...maybe by the end of summer. b/c summer is all vacation right? no worries, nothing to interfere with the plan except the pool boy bringing me my margarita every now and then. the three children who will be with me 24 hours a day, seven days a week will not be an issue at all. so, deanna i'm taking your lead...you dreamed it and look at you now! you can also look at her at:
On another note, this past week has kind of been emotional in manys ways for several people in my life. i am really inspired by these people. so here are my 3 things today:
*seeing friends be there for one another
*jenn getting married
*finding my five year anniversary video from fred (can you remember 5 years ago for yourself? amazing what happens...i had just found out i was going to have fisch. then, i remember fred crying and maybe not tears of joy yet;) )