
family game night.

ahhh. the joy of monopoly...

sorry parker brothers, i'm not a fan. i've tried since i was a little girl, but you stress.me.out. maybe it's the too close parallel between real and imaginary life spending for me. or the fact that the volume of voices when playing is at an all time high and always sound defensive and high-pitched. or the fact that the game NeVER seems to end, i don't know.
i snapped this photo after i couldn't take it anymore and stomped off in true mama kat fit fashion when another episode of whoever smelt it dealt it snuck into this marathon event. the dogs even seemed to participate in this game.
i do have to give you kudos though for engaging these 4 fellows:(as pictured from left to right)

  • the-plaid-jacket-wearing-slick-used-car-salesman-who's-constantly-screaming,"WHaT?!"-because-he's-too-busy-trying-to-swindle-someone-to-notice-someone-else-has-landed-on-his-property-and-the-next-person's-gone-so-he-doesn't-get-paid-guy
  • the-always-calculating-i'm-gonna-regret-that-move-aren't-i-and-i-will-NEVeR-let-ANY-detail-of-this-or-any-game-go-unnoticed-guy
  • the-eternal-grand-master-of-the-bank-and-we-don't-need-the-stinkin-rules-cause-i-make-them-real-estate-risk-taker-guy
  • the-sure-i-only-have-4-bucks-left-and-build-motels-in-the-hood-but-will-somehow-manage-to-whip-your-butts-because-i've-been-running-a-black market-pencil-ring-in-my-locker-at-school-guy 

good times, my friends. good times.

gotta love boys.


Julie said...

Am pretty sure my guy has been swindled a time or two by your guy running the black market pencil scam! Love your blog . . .

jeni said...

if it weren't for you, julie, i wouldn't be any the wiser to his sketchy ways...THANK YOU!!! :)
hope to hang with y'all soon.

ps any progress on the coop? ;)