
dear bad attitude.

okay, listen. i hate to break it to you, but ya gotta go.
i'm kickin' ya to the curb.
if i don't, this guy's actually about 3 seconds away from doing it himself...

i can be associated with you no longer.
i've run out of excuses about how you're really not that bad and how i can turn you around, but i'm drained. i simply cannot stick up for you and your attempts to take over my life.
i cannot say that i haven't tried to show it's not really your fault that i'm such a crabby, irritated, fun-sucking, looney.
nope. i've justified you for soo long...hormones, children, other stupid people, not knowing what i want to be when i grow up, hormones, money, chaotic schedules, vending machines not have diet coke, hormones, that dog, indecisiveness, not being able to find my favorite shoes anywhere anymore, texas summers, no candy in the house, hormones combined with this out of control heat and humidity and inability to not stop sweating, my kids growing up way too fast and i can't do anything to stop it, and on and on and on.
i think i'm ready for my old friend, miss easy-going-remembers-how-to-laugh-doesn't-say-no-ALL-of-the-time-wouldn't-kill-you-to-take-a-risk-every-once-in-a-while-thinks-about-others-more-than-herself--spunky-cheery-actually-participates-in-the-occasional-physical-activity, to come back and be my bestie.
in order to please not isolate ALL the people i love in my life, i must bid you farewell.
i'd like to say it's been fun, but who are we kidding?! :)
i have no doubt you will soon find a new best friend, in fact, i swear i saw you flirting with her the other day :)


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