
a tip.

if you are in a fetal-like position for more than two days with a stomach bug and have 3 normal boys who basically have survived on their own for this time during apparent 80 degree weather and imagination bliss, if you can move at all, you might want to disconnect the hose, remove all shovels, take away all bikes & shoes, put up a huge sign IN THE HOUSE that reads "remember not to ride your bike in the house",  and warn all neighbors that they no longer have driveways due to the new off-road bmx tournament...this might make your re-entry a little easier.

you still love me, right mister? :)


Shannan Martin said...

LOVED your comment just now!! And that scene in your photo looks oddly familiar. ;)

jeni said...

thank you! i so loved stumbling along your blog so unexpectedly and have treasured the verse you posted all day:) completely guided a wonderful day with family and friends who've all been cooped up for WAY too many days from all of this unusual ice and snow here in dallas. i've also been picturing that amazing cuff that simply states the word Listen.
hmm. what a perfect daily reminder for me... listen :)
have a great weekend!