
dear lego people.

thank you for legos. i'll have to admit, you have not always been my friends. i may have cursed your name a few times as i stepped on one or two of your fine products that so amazingly camouflage themselves on the floor. i may have lost my mind cool on occasion because your products never seemed to find their way back into their designated place. and i may have to admit that i could have possibly 'accidentally' sucked up a few of your brilliant pieces of creativity in my friend, dyson, and not exactly felt too terribly bad and may have actually smiled just a little...
but, today, lego people i want to THAnK YOU!
thank you for making 3 boys plan together, work together, clean up together, organize together, laugh together, plot against their mom together and build upon dad's childhood memories together. i am not sure who actually enjoys this new sanctuary more, dad or child. no matter, you have made one mom's heart smile at the sight of each and every little product you make knowing how you make her guys feel.


btw...our lego city can kick your lego city's behind.
just sayin'

1 comment:

Hi! I'm Katey said...

holy cow! what a fun day for those kersting boys! enjoy the peace - for now!